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Quick Check Verifier

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Quick Check Verifier

Compact, portable units for analyzing bar code quality.

The Quick Check 200 series verifiers are compact, portable bar code verifiers that analyze bar code quality against traditional quality parameters and ANSI/CEN/ISO bar code print quality guidelines.

QC200 series verifiers are easy to use, yet packed with high performance features that utilize the most sophisticated test methods. Every model can be instantly programmed to test specific bar code specifications by simply scanning command codes or by using the easy-to-follow menu driven program that guides an operator through each step. Each model boosts productivity and is so inexpensive that you can afford to provide one to every technician involved in the bar code production and verification process.

These verifiers are designed to display bar code quality test results in one quick glance. Results are displayed immediately and all the information needed for proper bar code evaluation is provided through an LCD and colored LEDs. To accommodate both right and left handed operators, the LCD image can be "flipped" for reading in either orientation. For further detail, "scroll" and "select" buttons guide the user through an easy-to-follow menu to quickly display comprehensive test results.

Need ISO conformance? All HHP verifiers are designed to meet ISO/IEC standards 15416 (the bar code print quality test speculation) and 15426-1 (bar code verifier conformance). A certificate stating this conformance is included with every new verifier from HHP.